This is the first of my new gadget alerts.
"i" will not be amused as she is not particularly fond of my addiction.
But I just loooove new stuff.

This is entitled, "Picture! Picture!"


I'm back!
Went into the slump of not bringing my camera anymore.
I felt everyone was bringing their camera anyway, and we all had the same camera too.
No use.

Also, by not bringing a camera, I'd be in the pictures!

Well, I'm back to taking pics again, guess how?!
By buying a new camera!

MMMMM.... here we go again, I really love the smell of new electronics.
Yes there is, try it, smell a new gadget, it has a distinct new smell.
Maybe even better than the Balikbayan box smell.
Believe me.

Bought the GF1.
It's part of the Micro-Four-Thirds phenomenon.
Supposedly able to pack the same quality of a dSLR into a smaller package with smaller lenses too.
Also, since it's not an SLR, I can't be classified into the Facebook Group --
"D porke may SLR ka, Photographer ka (Not because you have an SLR, it makes you a Photographer)"

Got the one with the 20mm (40mm equivalent) pancake lens and a telephoto 45-200 (90-400mm equivalent) for my Paparazzi shots.

I love it.

The Silver GF1 with 20mm pancake lens.

My paparazzi lens. A 90-400mm equivalent, take out the lens hood and its a very compact telephoto.

Some samples. I've never been able to take photos like these before.

New toy! Woot woot!