Ok, I said in an earlier blog we were still undecided on what to do for Holy Week. Based on that earlier blog, the only thing we were able to stick to in part was the sleeping. And the amount of sleep and laziness involved in that wouldn't even constitute as "slothiness" (?!), katamaran for lack of a better word... Instead, we did something different this holiday, we went on a very special road trip with very special people. No plans, just a 2 day getaway. Let the road take us where it may. And it was fabulous.

What we did this weekend will always and forever be one of the best things we did for Holy Week. Revelations were made that I never would have found out if not for this little trip of ours that I will be forever grateful for. So for the 3 people that were with me on this little life journey that we had... thank you. 

and thank you my little bottle of chardonnay(s) for getting the ball rolling