Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I know "i" already beat me to it but I need to post some more photos of Coron. I'm still on withdrawals from the trip. I've never been to Palawan and after this trip, I'm not sure I can ever look at Boracay the same again. Everwhere we went was just unbelievable beauty. I really do hope they don't mess the place up like they did with Boracay. It has to remain perfect and untouched. It just has to. 

"E" island. I can't believe we were able to go here. Unbelievable. (It was probably bought with tax money so technically we have rights to it!)

The sand isn't as fine as Boracay but it feels like quick sand. You literally sink into it. Wow.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Back from Coron!

The view from the steps of Kayangan Lake. R calls this the famous Coron shot. I googled Coron and it is indeed very famous. The tiring "climb" was worth it when we saw the view. WOW. And to think the beauty didn't end there.

There's no place like Palawan. The government should preserve the islands make some kind of rule that would prevent Palawan from looking like Boracay. 20 years from now the place could be so dirty and overpopulated and the next generation would have to spend their vacations in other countries.

Anyway, here are some more photos from the trip.
"E" Island. We were lucky to visit this one. This island is owned by a famous politician. How we were able to have access to this island is beyond me. We were welcomed by the friendly caretakers and a whole pig roasting on the spit. Talk about spoiled.

Kayangan Lake. That's R making her way down the lake.
N "Waiting For Nothing!!!" They also have a "Waiting for Something!!!" shed.
The pesky jellyfish at "E" Island
Kokosnuss Resort. Finally. 3 years in the making, and I've finally stepped foot on this resort. Long story. Better late than never! Thanks to Princess Glutton for the recommendation. Want huge bathrooms but on a tight budget? Stay here! They even have their own theme song!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I've been dying to visit Potipot again ever since N, a few friends and I went there almost three years ago. For me, it was the most beautiful "nearby" (6 hour drive) beach I've ever seen. The perfect opportunity to return to the island came when one of my best friends, Camille, who now resides in Canada, told us that she was coming home for a visit. I immediately planned the trip with my high school friends.

Potipot back in 2007

It took us a gruesome 6 hours to get to the resort. I felt so sorry for N because he had to endure 6 hours of non stop yapping and girl talk while driving. I haven't seen Camille in 5 years!

Okay. Potipot island. Where do I start? I guess you can say I was a bit disappointed. It looked so different. It was still beautiful but not as majestic as before. There were tons of people, huts and pay bathrooms. Maybe it was just the timing... *shrug*

Potipot now. We found a secluded spot so I didn't get to take a photo of the crowd.

If it weren't for the company, I'd still be ranting about how different the beach looked. But I was just too happy. I got to be with my friends again.

We spent hours talking about high school. We reminisced about old friends, crushes, and misadventures. Oh and no trip is complete without Guesstures. I missed my high school barkada. I hate growing up.

Our little trio. Me, Camille and Anna (who looks like she's about to give birth). I'll miss this when Camille goes back to Canada. =(

I wish Camille and Anna could go to Coron with me, but that seems like a long shot because the flights are ridiculously expensive already. When I get back from Coron, I'll only have a few days left with Camille. Maybe minus 2 days because I just KNOW I'll be overtiming at work dammit. Hmmm... Wonder what else we could do... Suggestions?

Friday, May 14, 2010

"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify and vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as crazy, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."

The Power of One.

I am N. I am One. I will change the world.

Friday, May 7, 2010


May 10, 2010 is election day.
As you know we're going to experience a different kind of elections as it's the first time we're going automated and hopefully everything works out.
I received these guidelines on how to prepare for May 10th.
Please pass this on and RT to other voters so that our votes will not go to waste.
Remember you're entitled to only one vote and you're not allowed to make mistakes.


Went to Baguio last weekend for a quick overnight trip with husband and my in laws. I often go to Baguio and do the usual thing (which is basically just eat and sleep), but this trip was different. First of all, we had to plant a tree (yes an actual tree... a mahogany seedling to be exact) in my cousin's name since he was a little peeved he wasn't invited to the trip, so this was his "i forgive you if you do this" card. The Manor at Camp John Haywas very accommodating. I love the place because it's so cozy but I love it even more now because the staff really went out of their way to address our unusual request. They got their head gardener to come with us to plant our tree by the entrance of Manor Suites. Which is pretty cool cuz if the tree does survive the cold weather (cuz head gardener Ronald told us Mahogany trees can't survive cold weather), it'll be in plain sight of everyone who ever stays at Manor or Manor Suites. So thank you Manor!
if this little baby survives, it'll be the only mahogany tree in all of Baguio!

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